Olive DeLuce Fine Arts Building
College Avenue, Maryville, MO, US
Olive DeLuce Fine Arts Building
Music Visit Day
Explore majors in Music, with concentrations in Instrumental Music Education and Vocal Music Education also available, which includes interacting with current Northwest faculty and students.
The Department of Fine and Performing Arts is committed to excellence in music and music education. Our music faculty are outstanding performers and teachers, and our music graduates are given a wide variety of experiences to prepare for their chosen professions upon graduation. During the Music Visit Day, prospective students will have opportunities to sit-in and sing/play with our ensembles during their rehearsal time, meet one-on-one with our faculty, and take a campus tour. We look forward to meeting you at the Northwest Music Visit Day!
You will have the opportunity to:
- Interact with music faculty and students majoring in related fields
- Learn about careers in Music and Music Education
- Tour our classrooms
- Explore the Northwest Campus
- Learn more about:
- Admission requirements
- Scholarships
- Living on campus
- Student organizations, meal plans and more!
Tentative agenda:
8:45 am: Check In
9:15 am: Faculty/Current Student Concert
10:00 am: Students attend Music class; Families/Guests in Admissions Presentation
11:00 am: Vocal students to University Chorale; Instrumental students to Lunch
12:30 pm: Vocal students to lunch; Instrument students to Wind Symphony
2:00 pm: Campus Walking Tour
3:30 pm: Wrap Up (Financial Assistance, Advisor)
**Private lessons will be throughout the visit day-students will receive times/locations at Check In
To learn more about Maryville and plan for your trip, visit https://visitmaryville.org/.
Questions & Answers
Students attending Music Visit Day will have the opportunity to meet with faculty one-on-one. Please note this in your registration. All athletic appointments will need to be set up with Northwest Athletics.
The Admissions Office is not able to assist with athletic recruiting. Please reach out to Bearcat Athletics for prospective student-athlete information. https://bearcatsports.com/sb_output.aspx?form=4